long haired dachshunds for sale indiana, We are a small in-home registered breeder dedicated to breeding quality Mini Dachshund puppies. SHOP NOW
Also, The color is a genetic dilution of the more traditional black and tan, meaning this isn’t technically a breed of dog on its own, rather a special coloration of the Dachshund we all know and love. Also, To achieve this color in the litter, both parents must be blue or carry the genetic trait in their makeup.
Two-Color Dachshund. There are many two-color Dachshund colors acceptby the AKC, with black and tan being the most common. What is this? Two-colored coats can be a combination of black, tan, chocolate, cream, white, fawn, blue, wild boar, or chocolate boar.
How Much Does A Dapple Dachshund Cost? Prices for these precious dogs can range anywhere from $400 to $1500. Also, These pretty pups are often much more expensive than the typical Dachshund because breeders consider these dogs to be rare.
Dapple in Dachshunds is the same in appearance, and genetically, as the “merle” found in Collies, Also, Australian Shepherds and some other breeds. Strictly speaking, it is a pattern, rather than a colour. Also, It appears like a slashing or swirling of paint over all normal Dachshund colours
A dapple Dachshund is a Dachshund with a dapple pattern on its coat. Dapple puppies are created when a solid colour Dachshund is bred with a dapple Dachshund. The markings look unusual and distinctive, which is why the dapple coat is so popular.
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